Humans can range anywhere from extremely introverted to extremely extraverted. This means that we have different preferences for how much time we spend with other people throughout the day. While some people prefer plenty of alone-time, the same is rarely, if ever, true of dogs! Dogs need to spend time with other furry friends, and it’s up to you to make sure they have the interactions they need to be happy and healthy. Here’s why dog interactions are so important:

Behavioral Issues

Dogs that don’t spend time with other dogs often become moody, depressed, and even violent. When they don’t spend time with their own kind, they may become fearful of interactions with other dogs — and even other humans. This leads to violent and aggressive behavior, since they don’t know how to behave around others. While this behavior is evolutionarily-ordained, it can be very harmful to you, other dogs, and other bystanders. Avoid this harmful behavior by socializing your dog early in their life. They’ll be more comfortable around people and other dogs!


Especially in the crucial early growth years, your dog’s brain is still developing! They need stimulation and fresh experiences to learn and grow. Even as they get older, a healthy dose of learning keeps your pup’s mind sharp. Socializing with other dogs may seem like all fun and games, but your doggo actually gets a lot out of it! They learn how to react in different situations and create new neural pathways that help their brain develop. We believe that, just like us, dogs should always be learning. Part of this involves interacting with their own kind.

How to Facilitate Dog Interactions

Now that you know how beneficial dog-to-dog interaction is, you’re probably wondering how you can get your dog the interactions that they need to be healthy and mentally sharp.  The good news is, there are plenty of dog-friendly parks, events, and activities out there, and you can search for them all by area and by activity! If all else fails, just bring your dog on a walk through your neighborhood. Making this a daily habit is great for your dog’s physical health and they can meet the local dogs! Plus, you get to show off your adorable dog. Talk about a local celebrity!

Making sure your dog gets some time with their fellow doggie friends is extremely important for their health. And don’t worry, when it comes time to hang out with their best friend, they won’t forget about you. After all, you provide the food!